2 in 1 desoldering station
2in1desolderingstationModel:LW8586D Applications:TheelectronicindustryfortheelectronicproductassemblyUsedinscientificresearchdepartmenttoproductdevelopmentfortheelectronicsmaintenanceintheelectronicin
Key words:
Rework station

2 in 1 desoldering station
2 in 1 desoldering station
The electronic industry for the electronic product assembly
Used in scientific research department to product development
for the electronics maintenance in the electronic industry
Enterprise or business unit’s electrical soldering work
Electronic technology enthusiasts for the electronic product assembly
Apply to all kind of the college ’s Electrician lab
Features :
1.Clear LCD display of the current working temperature and conditions.
2. Temperature of rework station and soldering station continuously adjusted by digital buttons to meet the needs in different.
3. With stainless stell heating element and front sensor,accurate temperature control and quick-to-temp power -up.
4.Multi-functional integrated desoldering maintenance system combined by rework station and soldering station.
5. The core of the whole machine controlled by the single and microwave chip to make sure of temperature accuracy and stability of rework station and soldering station .Not simply combined by the two equipments.
Specifications :
Input Voltage:AC 220V±10% 60Hz
Power Consumption:750W±10%(Max)
Relative Humidity:<80%
Storage Temperature:-20—80℃
Rework Station
Input Voltage:AC 220V±10% 60Hz
Power Consumption:700W±10%(Max)
Temperature Range:100℃~500℃(212°F—932°F)
Air Volume:120L/min(Max)
Temperature Stability:±2℃(static)
Soldering station
Input Voltage:AC 26V±10% 60Hz
Power Consumption:50W±10%
Temperature Range:200℃~480℃(212°F—896°F)
Temperature Stability:±2℃(static)
Ground Impedance:<2Ω
Ground Voltage:<2mv
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