insulation tester
insulationtesterModel:LW7112 Feature:1. Smallsize,lightweight2. Easyoperation,buttonlock3. Provide5groupsmemorysetting,eachgroupcouldchoosefourkindsworkingmode4. LEDdisplay,testmodeisclearatglance5. R
Key words:
Hipot tester

insulation tester
insulation tester
1. Small size ,light weight
2. Easy operation, button lock
3. Provide 5 groups memory setting, each group could choose four kinds working mode
4. LED display, test mode is clear at glance
5. Rising voltage gradient according to time, real-time analysis, looking for breakdown point
6. Lower limit on current Settings, intelligent alarm
7. Arc detection function(1-9grades)
8. Provide remote PLC control interface
Output voltage:0-5(Kvac)/12(mA)
Analysis of degree:0.01
Basic accuracy:±(2% of setting+5V)
Output frequency/waveform:50 or 60Hz, ±100ppm,sine wave, the distortion degree<2%
The current upper and lower limits setting:0.1-12.009(mA)
Basic accuracy:±(2% of setting+2counts)
Rising time:0.1-999.9(s)
Analysis of degree:0.1
Basic accuracy:±(0.1% +0.05counts)
Test time:0,0.2-999.9(s)(0=continously)
Analysis of degree:0.1
Basic accuracy:±(0.1% +0.05counts)
Arc detection:9grades(zero is off, one is the most sensitive)
Insulation resistance(IR) :
Output voltage:0.1-1(Kvac)
Analysis of degree:0.01
Basic accuracy:±(2% of setting+5V)
Insulation resistance limit:0-2000(MΩ)( zero is off)
Analysis of degree:1
Basic accuracy:±(2% of setting+2C.)≥500vdc
Insulation resistance lower limit:1-2000(MΩ)
Analysis of degree:1
Basic accuracy:±(5% of setting+2C.) <500vdc
Test time:0,0.5-999.9(s)(0=continously)
Analysis of degree:0.1
Basic accuracy:±(0.1% +0.05counts)
Other specification:
Memory groups:5groups memory,4kinds testing mode:W,I,W-I,I-W
Peripheral remote control, PLC interface:Provide Pass, Fail, Processing Remote monitoring signals, Test , Stop contact
Security protection:Overload or short circuit automatically cut off the output, light and buzzer alarm
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